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Governor Profiles

Lynn Williams, Chair of Governors

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 13/10/16 - 12/10/20 & 8-10-20 - 8-7-21

Member of: Full Governing Board

Business interests: none

Role held within other educational establishments: Head Teacher of a Surrey school

Other relevant information:


My name is Lynn and I have the honour of being the Chair of Governors here at Chatsworth Primary School. My involvement with, my love of, and my commitment to Chatsworth goes back many years now and covers a variety of roles. I have been a Deputy Head Teacher at Chatsworth, a staff governor, and now Chair of Governors. 


As a head teacher and a parent, I understand the importance of giving every child a quality education and that children should feel safe and nurtured on the most important first stages of their educational journey. 


Our role, as governors, is to support and challenge the school to ensure that it is providing the best education possible for every child and to work with the school in a strategical capacity.


I always look forward to meeting your children on my visits to Chatsworth and hope that our paths will cross too.


Helen Willis, Headteacher

(Miss Willis automatically becomes a member of the Governing Board as Headteacher)

Term of office: N/a

Member of: Full Governing Board, Standards Committee, Resources Committee

Business interests: None

Role held within other educational establishments: None

Other relevant information: None


I am the Head Teacher and as such, attend all Full Governing Board meetings and Committee meetings. As Head Teacher I am responsible for the organisation, management and control of the school. It is my duty to advise Governors on the strategic development of the school and implement the Governing Body’s strategic framework. I very much enjoy working with my Governor colleagues, who are hardworking and supportive, but who at the same time rigorously challenge and question me on school improvement and development.

Reece Lovelock, Staff Governor

Elected by the Staff of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 22/03/17 - 21/03/21

Term extended 22/3/21 - 21/3/25

Member of: Full Governing Board, Resources Committee, Standards Committee                 

Business interests: None

Role held within other educational establishments: None

Other relevant information: Assistant Head


I have been teaching here at Chatsworth for 7 years. Before this, I taught in Ealing but was so happy to be able to work in my home borough. It has been a joy to become a member of the Chatsworth community and I couldn’t feel more at home.  I am very grateful to be able to teach in such a rich and vibrant  school full of bright and funny young minds.


Outside of school, I am never happier than riding my bike, playing my guitar (Aria), reading a Terry Pratchett book or having fun with my two girls.

Mark Howard, Parent Governor

Elected by the parents of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 20/4/22 - 21/4/26

Member of: Full Governing Board, Resources Committee, 

Business interests:

Role held within other educational establishments:

Other relevant information: Health and Safety Governor; Sports Premium Governor


I am delighted to have recently been accepted onto the school governing body as a parent governor. My daughter is currently in year 4 and has always received a high standard of both teaching and pastoral care so I am grateful to have the opportunity to give something back to Chatsworth and help make a meaningful contribution to it’s future.


Professionally, I began my career over 20 years ago, designing and building websites at small agencies and multi-national organisations such as Wiley Publishing and IBM. I am currently a Director of Technology at Capgemini. Away from work I enjoy running and swimming to keep fit and just love being outside, whether it’s in the garden or camping with the family whenever possible. I also share a huge love of Lego with my daughter.

Mariya Khanam, Parent Governor

Elected by the parents of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 2/12/20 - 2/20/24

Member of: Full Governing Board, Standards Committee

Business interests: none

Role held within other educational establishments:

Other relevant information: Early Years Governor; Phonics and Early Reading Governor

Catherine Silk, Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 26/5/22 - 25/5/26

Member of: Full Governing Board, Standards Committee

Business interests:

Role held within other educational establishments:

Other relevant information:


Having moved to Isleworth in 2019, I’m excited to be a co-opted Governor at Chatsworth Primary School as a way of connecting with my local area.

My professional background is in healthcare communications. After studying Biology at university, I worked in the NHS and then moved to an agency based in Kew, where I now work as Client Services Director.

I’ve been a Samaritans listening volunteer since 2011, including three years as Branch Director, so I have a special interest in emotional health and wellbeing. I’m especially passionate about emotional health education in primary schools, helping children to develop communication and coping strategies that they will use through secondary school and beyond.

Neal Shah, Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 26/5/22 to 25/5/26

Member of: Full Governing Board, Resources Committee

Business interests: 

Role held within other educational establishments: None

Other relevant information: Finance Governor


I'm very excited to be joining the governing board as a co-opted governor. I was born and brought up in the Hounslow borough, still living in Isleworth and I actually studied in a nearby primary and secondary school.

Therefore I am very keen to give back to the community to which I have a strong connection to and endeavour to make a meaningful contribution to the school and pupils in any way that I can.


I currently work in Finance, within the M&A team at PwC. I'm a Chartered Accountant and previously worked in Audit and Financial modelling. Outside of work, I like to play badminton and I'm starting to get into golf. I also enjoy travelling and seeing new countries with my wife. Having just come back from a month-long trip to South East Asia for our honeymoon.

Suzane Takieddine, Parent Governor and Vice Chair

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 10/2/2020 to 9/2/2024

Member of: Full Governing Board, Finance Committee, Appraisal and Pay Committee, Headteacher Performance Management Panel

Business interests: 

Role held within other educational establishments: None

Other relevant information: Vice Chair of the Governing Board; Chair of the Finance Committee; ; Child Protection/Safeguarding Governor; Pupil Premium Grant Governor


I have a degree in accountancy and worked in the finance & accounting sector in the UK for 15 years. I have been working as the financial controller/payroll manager for Canning School Ltd a communication training provider since 2015. I have great experience in managing budgets and cash flow.

My daughter has moved onto secondary school after having the privilege to study at Chatsworth P School and my son is currently in year 4.

I really enjoy working with all school governors and delighted to be the chair of the Resources committee .  

I believe we have a responsibility to ensure all young people receive the best education and social activities where every child is valued and feels happy, safe, and secure.

Christopher Booth, Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 28/1/2021 to 27/1/2025

Member of: Full Governing Board, Standards Committee, Resources Committee

Business interests: 

Role held within other educational establishments: Teacher at local secondary school

Other relevant information: Chair of Standards Committee, SEND Governor, Maths Governor, Curriculum Governor


Nisha Khanna, Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 7/10/2021 to 6/10/2025

Member of: Full Governing Board, Finance Committee, Standards Committee

Business interests: 

Role held within other educational establishments: None

Other relevant information: Physical and Mental Wellbeing Governor, Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Governor


Associate Governors

Associate Governors can be called upon to attend and report to Governors on specific aspects of school business at the request of the Headteacher and Governing Board, such as Attendance and Behaviour, or to deputise for the Headteacher.




Previous Governors:


Rory McCormack - Co-Opted Governors

Appointed by: FGB

Term of Office : Ended 30 March 2021


Ken Emerson - Parent Governor / Chair of Governors

Appointed by: Parents / FGB

Term of Office: Ended October 2020


Tony Richardson - Co-Opted Governors

Appointed by: FGB

Term of Office: Ended October 2020


Shaz Bux - Parent Governor

Appointed by the parents of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 14/03/17 - 11/10/18


Matthew Cavill - Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 05/02/15 - 30/03/17


Rachel Bowles - Parent Governor

Elected by the parents of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 28/02/14 - 17/01/17


Naz Rana - Co-opted Governor

Appointed by the Governors of Chatsworth Primary School

Term of office: 10/13 - 14/07/16
