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Punctuality and Attendance


We place great importance on attendance and punctuality. Please help us to provide the best education we possibly can by ensuring your child arrives at school on time and is collected promptly.


If you are unavoidably detained, please telephone the school so that we can reassure your child and make appropriate arrangements.




If your child is absent from school for any reason, we ask you to follow our school procedures:


  • Please send an absence notification to  Alternatively, please telephone the school on the first day of absence to explain why your child cannot attend school. This is particularly important for children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 – the school office opens at 8.30am.


  • When your child returns to school, bring in a letter explaining why your child was absent from school.


If your child is unwell, we recommend you do not send them to school. Children who have been vomiting or an upset stomach should not attend school for a period of 48 hours after they were sick.


The Department for Education states that family holidays must not be taken during term time.  Any such absences will be recorded as unauthorised and your child could lose his/her place in school if another child requires it.


Absences during the School Day


Wherever possible, medical or dental appointments should be made out of school time.  However, we understand that this is not always possible and should you need to take your child out of school for any part of the day, please give prior notice to the class teacher and school office.  We will also require a photocopy of your proof of the appointment prior to or at the point of collecting your child.


Your child will need to be collected from the main school office.  You will need to collect your child yourself or send a letter authorising someone else to do so.  No child is allowed to leave school without such an arrangement being made.


Please note that during the lunchtime period (11.50am to 12.40pm) children cannot be returned to, or collected from, school.


Chatsworth Attendance, Absence and Punctuality Policy 2024
