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Spring Term

Spring 1 

This half- term we are focusing our learning around the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will be retelling the story using puppets, props and masks. Please visit the story time section to listen to this story together. 

The nursery will be beginning to use ‘Talk 4 Writing’. It is a fun and creative approach to develop writers and gives the children the language they need to tell stories.

‘Talk 4 Writing’ starts with enjoying and sharing stories. Children learn to tell a story off by heart. They tell the story with expression and actions. Once a story is learnt the children are encouraged to adapt it to make it their own, for example by changing the characters or the setting.

After we have taught the children a part of the story we will be sending home a story map which includes the exact words that the children will have learned. You can support your child in learning the story by going through the story map and reading it together. See if your child can tell you the story by using the story map and their actions.


We have been building houses outside using large wooden blocks, real bricks and crates. We have then been re-enacting the story with our friends. Why not build a house or den at home? You could build it inside or outside in the garden. Pleas see below for some ideas.

Have fun!







Spring 2 

This half- term we are focusing our learning around the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We will be retelling the story using puppets, props and masks. Please visit the story time section to listen to this story together. 

The nursery will be using ‘Talk 4 Writing’ with the children to help them to become story tellers.  After we have taught the children a part of the story we will be sending home a story map which includes the exact words that the children will have learned. You can support your child in learning the story by going through the story map and reading it together. See if your child can tell you the story by using the story map and their actions.





Making cupcakes

We have been making banana cupcakes. The children have been using balance scales to weigh the ingredients needed. Please find the recipe below if you would like to make these cupcakes at home. We added banana to the ingredients, but you could add chocolate chips or raisins or just make them plain and add icing after they have baked. Whilst making them please use the following vocabulary with your child. Cake, cake cases, flour, sugar, egg, butter, weigh, scales, heavy, heavier, up, down, stir, bake, cook. We would love to see photographs of the cakes you bake and find out all about the learning you have been doing at home. Please email any photographs to us along with short notes about the words your child uses whilst doing this activity to







We have been talking about the Christian festival of Easter and finding out how some families celebrate it. 

Please click on the pictures below to watch 'Lets celebrate' with your child to find out about Easter.


Preparing for Easter



Lets celebrate Easter
