Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
with Miss McDonagh, Mr Farnell and Ms Osimowicz
Homework Information for Parents
In Year 3, the children will be given Guided Reading, Spellings, Mathletics and Times Tables each week. The homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. Each week, we will complete a spell check and times table test.
For Guided Reading we expect the children to do a minimum of 15 minutes reading each night. This could be either the book allocated on Bug Club or any other text of their choice. They should be completing one Bug Club text, as well as the attached comprehension 'bugs', each week.
If you would like to carry out extra activities here are some options you may wish to choose:
- discussing key characters and settings
- making a list of unfamiliar words and their meanings
- discussing the book with your child and the events that occur
Spellings are given every Friday which must be learnt and practised using sentences DAILY as we carry out a Spellcheck the following Friday. Please ensure that your child understands the meaning of the word.
Maths homework will be updated on Mathletics on a Friday and the children have a week to complete the set activities as well as play some of the games on 'Live Mathletics'. The children should also be practising their times tables on TT Rockstars. Please let us know if your child has problems accessing the internet or either website so that we can ensure they have alternative homework!
Separate times tables will be set weekly and checked on Fridays.
Please make sure you know which spellings or times tables you are learning and practise these throughout the week.
We appreciate all the hard work you do with your child at home.
Supporting your child at home:
We are often asked by parents for advice on how to best support their children at home. The documents below might help to give you a few ideas for supporting your child with their learning.
Remember to also visit other areas on our website for ideas, advice and activities to support your child's learning. We have provided direct links to some of the most useful areas of our website below.