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Check this page for any important school notices and letters.

Strike action - Thursday 2nd March 2023

At Chatsworth, we work hard to provide an environment in which all members of our school community know they are valued, respected and feel secure. As part of our work on “Anti-Bullying” our children have been discussing what bullying is and what to do if they are worried about bullying.

In March, we sent out a copy of our “No Bullying Here!” document to parents of children in Y1-Y6 and asked you to read the booklet carefully with your child at home and discuss each section with them.

As always, if you are concerned about any issues regarding bullying, please speak to your child’s class teacher or their phase leader. The phase leaders are:


Mrs Kortright- Early Years

Mr Lovelock- Year 1 and Year 2

Miss Sharratt- Year 3 and Year 4

Miss Welsh- Year 5 and Year 6


Please help us to reinforce the message that bullying is unacceptable in any shape or form.

Science Week Events & Competition - 26th to 28th March 2018

Scarlet Fever Awareness - 14th March 2018

School Closure - Friday 2nd March

Weather Update - 28th February 2018

Pupil acceptable use agreement
