Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
We aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for PE by providing a high-quality, balanced and differentiated physical education curriculum, inspiring all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Our intention is to provide experiences and cater for the needs of all children and families from various cultures, faiths and backgrounds; develop numerous skills and knowledge; providing the opportunity to use their physical skills across different settings at school and outside of school.
At Chatsworth we aim for a high quality PE curriculum which should inspire pupils, develop essential social skills and generate a fascination about sport and exercise. Each pupil will have the opportunity to develop vital social skills such as taking turns and working as a team. Pupils’ will also gain an understanding of the importance of healthy eating and fitness.
We want children to develop a love of PE whilst evolving knowledge and skills, not just at school, but also through tournaments, sporting events and also through a vast variety of clubs provided here at Chatsworth.
The content that the pupils are taught will then allow them to develop their skills outside of the school practice, later in KS3 & 4 and also in adult life.
In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in PE, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school.
At Chatsworth we use a scheme of work called Get set 4 PE.
Get set 4 PE focuses on a variety of different ‘sports’ and has also been written with careful consideration of the aims of the National Curriculum, ensuring children are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their physical movement skills as well as achieving whole child objectives. Each lesson is designed to inspire and engage each pupil whilst also providing differentiated tasks to appropriately challenge each pupil.
At the end of most lessons, each pupil takes part in a competitive game where they have the opportunity to apply the skills they have been taught. This provides the pupils an opportunity to work as a team and also the opportunity to take part in a competitive environment. We believe healthy competition inspires the children to do their best- striving to do more than is required. These skills prepare the children for various future situations and opportunities.
The impact and measure of our curriculum is to ensure that ALL children at Chatsworth Primary school are fully equipped with a vast variety of skills and knowledge allowing them to be fully prepared for the Key Stage 3 & 4 curriculum and also for adult life.
Our Physical Education Curriculum is great quality and thoroughly planned to exhibit progression. By the time each pupil has finished school, we want them to have developed a love and thirst for learning about PE whilst encouraging them to participate in new experiences inside and outside of school, now and in the future.