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Year 2

Phase 6 takes place throughout Year 2, with the aim of children becoming fluent readers and accurate spellers.


By Phase 6, children should be able to read hundreds of words using one of three strategies:

  • Reading them automatically from memory
  • Decoding them quickly and silently
  • Decoding them aloud


Children should now be spelling most words accurately, although this is often behind their reading. They will also learn, among other things:


  • Prefixes and suffixes (eg. 'in-' and '-ed)
  • The past tense
  • Memory strategies for high frequency or topic words
  • Proof reading
  • Where to put apostrophes
  • Spelling rules


Although formal phonics is usually complete by the end of Year 2, children continue to use their knowledge as they move up the school. 


Activities to use with your child

Throughout Year 2
