I can solve problems using plus, minus, multiply or divide when working with units of money. Look through this pack of work for some really interesting money problems.
I can show what clockwise and anti-clockwise mean. look at this video for a better understanding of clockwsie and anti-clockwise.
I can recognise lines of symmetry. Here is a whole host of symmetry games.
I know the months and seasons in order. Try these games at home. Can you name all the months?
I know that - is the inverse of +. Try and help the builder reach his target by doing the inverse operation!
I know that multiplication can be done by adding repeatedly. This webiste really explains and shows arrays well!
I can group objects in 1s, 2s, 10s and 5s Try grouping different numbers of objects to help you with your division skills!
I can recognise most even & odd numbers. How is your driving skills in this even and odd game?
I know my halves and doubles to 10. Try and complete the dart board by using your doubling and halving skills.