Curriculum Statement for Computing at Chatsworth Primary School
Through the study of computing at Chatsworth, children will develop essential skills to prepare them to be technologically-literate members of society. With the ever-changing nature of technology and the online world, children need to have a foundational understanding of staying safe online as well as how the technology works in order to allow them to succeed. Children will learn how to be critical thinkers and problem solving skills through learning how to programme, code and then debug their work to ensure it works as intended,
Key Principles of Computing:
- Computing is a practical subject and requires hands on experiences with different pieces of technology.
- There should be a focus on creating a generation of computer-literate pupils who are going to be able to use their foundational skills and apply these to the ever-changing nature of technology.
- Children should be taught to approach glitches, errors and bugs as learning opportunities and given a bank of skills to be able to identify and deal with these.
Curriculum overview for Computing
Here are some fantastic websites to help you get more interested in Computing! Let's get coding!