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Poor Weather & School Closure

You may remember that despite the snow and ice experienced during previous winters, we rarely had to close the school. If we have snow this coming winter, we will once again endeavour to keep the school open.


We may on occasion, find it necessary to close the school without warning – a flood, water shortage, heating breakdown or other emergency may mean we need to take action quickly.


If the weather forecast is ice, snow or freezing temperatures, I will make a decision as to whether to close the school or not each morning.


When making a decision to close the school, I take in to account the following factors:

  • The current weather conditions
  • The weather forecast for that day
  • The safety of the footpaths and roads around school
  • Can the school provide lunch for the children?
  • Is the heating system working efficiently?
  • Can members of staff travel to work safely?
  • Will members of staff be able to travel home safely at the end of the day?
  • Are there enough staff members present to safely supervise the children?
  • Is the building and school site safe to use?


We know many of our parents and carers work and closing the school creates major difficulties for many of our families, as well as disrupting the children’s education. We do not take the decision to close the school lightly. As in previous years, we will do everything we can to ensure the school stays open during any periods of bad weather. However, if a decision to close the school is made:


If I take the decision to close the school:

  • The Local Authority would be informed and the Hounslow Borough website would carry a list of schools closed due to bad weather.

  • The school website will carry the latest information and be regularly updated. Go to to the PARENTS / LATEST NEWS section.

  • We will post the latest information on ‘mySchoolApp’ which can be downloaded from any Android Play Stores or the Apple App Store.

  • Radio Jackie would be informed and our closure would be broadcast across the airwaves.

  • We will Tweet the closure to those of you on Twitter.


    While parents and carers can also telephone the school to check on the latest information – (020 8560 6018 or 6019) but please remember that with over 700 children in school, it is unlikely you will be able to contact us by telephone!


In the event of an emergency we will ensure all pupils and staff are safe and then begin the process of contacting parents. If you hear from another parent that the school is closing, please do not try to contact us. Blocking the telephone lines during an emergency will undoubtedly affect pupil safety. Check the website first.


Hopefully we will no emergencies, enjoy a mild winter and the weather won’t be an issue!


