With help I can record items in simple tables, lists and block charts.
I am beginning to think about what I need to do to solve a problem.
I can name most 2D regualr and irregular shapes (and some 3D) Try matching the correct shape to its name!
I can show whole, half and quarter turns. Try this great Nrich problem to improve your turning skills.
I can read a clock to the hour and 1/2 hour. Here are lots of games all about learning to tell the time!!
I can compare 2 or more measures. Try measuring some of these objects out!
I can count on and back in 1s. You have to count on and then bump that numbered car! Can you show some excellent counting and driving skills?!
I can use number lines, and 100 square sot help me add and subtract. Try doing some addtion and subtraction using this interactive number lines.
I can read, write and compare most 2 digit numbers. Help Bill get his wishes by cpmparing sets of two digit numbers!
I can recognise odd and even numbers to 10. Try sorting these odd and even numbers out!
I know what a 1/2 and 1/4 of a set of objects is.
I know my number bonds to ten This game is so much fun, can you pair up the numbers to ten?!!
I know my doubles to 5. Help Robin Hood out with your doubling skills!