What will the programme teach my child in Year 1?
During the year your child will learn a range of other graphemes (letter or groups of letters which represent a sound) for each of the 44 sounds in English and will start to learn some rules to help them choose the correct grapheme for a sound when spelling words. They will also be taught that some graphemes can represent more than one sound. They will learn to read and spell words containing these new graphemes, as well as some more common words containing ‘tricky’ bits. The section below outlines the learning in each term, but please remember that some children will progress through the programme at a faster rate and others more slowly, so this is just a guide.
Children will be taught…
Autumn Term:
First half:
- the sounds represented by these graphemes: ie (in tie), ue (in blue and fuel), oe (in toe), i-e (in time), o-e (in home), e-e (in these), a-e (in name), u-e (in tune), ay (in day), ou (in loud), ea (in sea), aw (in saw), ir (in girl), ew (in chew and new), oy (in boy), au (in fault), ey (in key), wh (in which), ph (in phone).
- how to read and spell words containing the graphemes listed above.
- how to read these tricky words: oh, their, called, asked, people, looked, Mr, Mrs.
- how to spell these tricky words: said, so, like, have, were, there, some, come.
Second half:
- the different sounds which these graphemes can represent: a (in cat, acorn, was, bath), e (in bed, being), i (in lid, kind), o (in hot, old), u (in cut, uniform, put), ow (in crowd, snow), ie (in tie, field), ea (in sea, bread), er (in longer, term), y (in yes, try, plenty, cylinder), ch (in chips, school, chef), c (in cat, city), g (in get, gel), ey (in key and grey), le (in candle), ou (in loud, shoulder, group).
- how to read and spell words containing the graphemes listed above.
- how to read these tricky words: water, again, because, who, laughed, work, please, different, friends, where, many, any, mouse, eyes, once, thought, through.
- how to spell these tricky words: when, what, do, one, out, little.
Spring and Summer Terms:
- the sounds represented by these graphemes: oul (in would), a (in wall), al (in walk), our (in your), or (in work), ear ( in learn), tch (in stitch), dge (in badge), ge (in large), se (in noise), ze (in freeze), ce (in prince), se (in purse), st (in listen), gn (in sign), kn (in know), o (in won), al (in half), are (in square), ear (in bear), eer (in cheer), ere (in sphere), mb (in thumb), wr (in write).
- the following endings: ture (in picture), tion (in invitation), ssion (in mission), sion (in division), sure (in measure)
- how to read and spell words containing the graphemes listed above.
- how to choose the correct grapheme for a sound when spelling words.
- how to spell these tricky words: Mr, Mrs, people, oh, looked, called, asked, their.